Sunday, June 15, 2014

2 Parables

Resurrecting some old posts to fill space. These tales have no point and may not even be comprehensible unless you have witnessed the shenanigans from the internet flame wars on r-ma during the late 90's and the wc forums on wcml and kfo during the late 90's through the 00's.

Parable #1

Thus I have heard:

Once upon a time there was a driver who owned a Porsche 911. He could drive it pretty much everywhere he wanted to go, swiftly and without fuss. And life was good.

Then one day he heard on the radio that 95% of the cars on the road are front-engined, and he began to worry. In a moment of panic he opened up the front hood, and found (gasp!) there was no engine there. He ran around like a headless chicken until he remembered the Porsche had its engine in the back.

But the panic did not go away and the idea that he was missing something important in life began to gnaw at him. He continued to drive his Porsche but the fun went out of it.

And then he heard on the radio the even more disturbing story that "real" drivers race. Those who don't race are sissy "dry land swimmers".

He began to imagine all the insulting stares he received from the surrounding drivers whenever he stopped at a red light. "How could I ever go out and face the V12 stopped next to me at the light" was his constant nightmare.

Then one day the idea popped into his head that he could use the empty space in the front of the Porsche to drop in a V8 engine. With both front and rear engines revving he would have a total of 14 cylinders working at once! Even a V12 wouldn't be able to beat that! So with power tools in hand he proceeded to perform the grafting of a V8 engine into the Porsche. When the dust settled, his creation looked like nothing Ferdinand Porsche ever dreamt of.

We are not sure how the car handled or whether it had maintenance issues, but the sound of 2 engines running at once was supposed to be great. The last thing we heard from our hero was he was thinking of jacking up the chassis and adding monster tires so it could go where humvees fear to tread.

The moral to this story? I'm not sure there is any.

And now we return you back to your regularly scheduled programming. ;-)

Epilog: by some weird coincidence of fate, this article appeared some time after the original article above was written.

Here's what the outcome may possibly look like:

Dr. Porsche's revenge

Parable #2

The following is a work of fiction, any resemblance to actual events and persons, living or dead, is totally coincidental (as always).

Thus I have heard:

Food exists in many forms. Ingredients come from many countries, and get prepared in a myriad of ways. There are many different schools of thought regarding how food should be prepared, even when using the same ingredients (cf Iron Chefs), and of course regional palates differ (some Canadians even prefer poutine) as well as the indigenous cooking style.

Food can cost from the expensive haute cuisine to the pedestrian tacos, yet each has its own adherents, for while some may prefer fish, others may enjoy beef or poultry, and some may even be vegetarians.
While food fights do occur (mostly in school dining halls), seldom does one see fights over which food is "better" or more "authentic".

Until the advent of the inconvenient "series of tubes".

All of a sudden the marketing space expanded from a small local region where reputations get spread by word of mouth to a global broadcast where fortunes can be made through the careful choice of buzzwords.

One such example is a small chain of bistros which sells hamburgers. Its hamburgers look no different than those of a famous large chain down the street, nor does it taste any better. So what does it do to distinguish itself from its peers? They came out with a brilliant marketing campaign:

Check out the original hamburger, as perfected on the voyage of the Mayflower. Thanks to this advanced scientific recipe, the passengers and crew of the Mayflower made it safely all the way across the ocean to Plymouth Rock, a great span of space and time (not to mention the energy involved). What's more, both the Pilgrims and the Indians depended on this staple until that first Thanksgiving. The secret recipe was preserved and passed down through the generations as a closely guarded family secret, which is why it was never known until now. The guardians of this jewel of Food Science were named Tom, Dick, and Harry, who preserved this unique gift, unaltered, for over 400 years. (When it was pointed out TDH must have extraordinarily long lives due to the very few generations listed on the family tree, they came up hastily with Huey, Louie, and Dewey somewhere in the middle of the chain, who were left out of the original history by mistake). The hamburger you see now was stolen from TDH some 100 years ago. Some short-order cook from Hamburg saw the ground beef patties and tried to duplicate it. But of course, without the recipe (aka The Formula), he could not reproduce the special sauce and hence the authentic flavor.

With this bit of marketing gimmick in place, the Mayflower Hamburger (MFH) chain is able to garner a small but fanatical following. They must really have some special ingredients in the recipe, for these supporters of the chain are fond of throwing esoteric non-sequitur jargon to describe the experience of a MFH burger meal, e.g. extra extraterrestrial energy suitable for astronauts (who are the modern day analog of the passengers of the Mayflower) in space, where they can commune with heaven and earth, etc. etc. and yet somehow they could never manage to convince the great unwashed how it is superior, let alone be able to describe the taste experience. They always wind up crying in unison, "I am not worthy!"

One day a French visitor came into town. He has heard of the famous MFH burgers and decided to try one for himself. When he reached the establishment, he was greeted by the proprietor. He mentioned that he's familiar with the Big Macs (le Big Mac) and Quarter Pounders (Burger Royale) from the chain down the street, since he's a regular customer of a local franchise in his home country. At the sound of that, the proprietor's face flushed and his eyes bulged out, as he's in the middle of a deadly price war with the other burger joint, and he shouted, "No Big Macs! No Burger Royales! No burger for you!" and slammed the door in the poor visitor's face.

As usual, there's no moral to this story, just something to tide you over while the Hollywood writers are on strike.

What? The strike's over? Never mind then.

Pity. Guess my sequel about the food critic who shouts "I can kick Rachel Ray's @$$" will never be made.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

My (String) Theory of the Internal Arts

The fundamental problem of most Chinese martial arts is how to effectively and efficiently utilize the ground and body weight to transform a primarily vertical force (body weight) into a primarily horizontal force (punches, kicks and throws).

External and Internal

There are many definitions of external and internal martial arts, most of which I find unsatisfactory. I prefer a more pragmatic definition:

An external art is one where the power generation mechanism is easily visible to the naked eye. For example, southern arts like Hung Kuen or Choy Lay Fat, northern Shaolin like Cha Quan etc., utilize primarily the body torso rotation around a vertical axis to generate power. The detail of how it is done is somewhat unique to each art, and it makes each art distinctive.

The power generation mechanism of the internal arts, on the other hand, is much harder to see by an inexperienced observer, especially when loose clothing is worn. It is much more subtle and the movements are much smaller (hence short power emission (i.e. at close distances) is very common). The action relies on the subtle movement along the spine, bending back and forth in different directions.

How to attain internal power


Each style has its own distinctive way to train the body: taiji uses the wuji stance, yiquan has different stances for different purposes, xingyi uses the santi posture, Shanxi xinyi uses the squatting monkey posture, bagua trains by walking in a circle, etc. In southern arts, Hung Kuen is known for its strong horse training, Choy Lay Fat also trains the horse but with more nimble footwork, and Wing Chun uses the Siu Nim Tau.

The Theory

Disclaimer: knowing and understanding the theory does absolutely nothing for improving your kung fu. Only countless hours of mindful practice will do that.

I don't have a good drawing program, so I am just going to wave my hands and talk my way through it without using pictures. We are going to run a series of thought experiments, so put on the safety goggles and fasten your seat belts.

Imagine a vertical wall with a horizontal rope fastened on it, just like in standard high school or college physics texts. If you pull the rope horizontally away from the wall, you can make the rope taut. If you hang a weight on the rope, you can make the rope taut again by increasing the tension (i.e. pull harder in the same direction as previously). Technically it's called increasing the horizontal force.

Now imagine, if instead of a simple rope, we have a segmented rope similar to those segmented snake toys you can sometimes find in a toy store (those which have the snake head wiggle when you wiggle the tail), or like a multi-sectional Chinese steel whip. Obviously the same thing works, i.e. you can support a weight (vertical force) by suitably increasing the tension (horizontal force). So far, so good.

Now imagine instead of having the sections being a uniform length, they come in different lengths, so some are longer than others. No problem, it gets more complicated but everything still works similarly as before.

Next, make these segments different shapes, so besides being different in length, they are also different in shape, so some may be thicker or thinner, others may be triangular, polygonal, or just plain irregular in shape. Again everything still works as before as long as they are attached together, even if the attachment points are at odd angles.

Suppose the individual segments are piecewise attached using something like heat shrink tubing, so the joints are flexible while the segments are rigid, and everything is hanging together as before.
Now for the critical step, rotate the picture 90 degrees so the vertical wall becomes the horizontal floor, the vertical "weight" now becomes a horizontal force, and the "rope" is now standing vertically. So long as tension is maintained (by pulling vertically up) the rope remains taut when a horizontal force is applied.

If you imagine a little harder, you can see the non-uniform, multi-segmented rope is very similar to the human spine/skeleton. The ground attachment is not a single point but a complicated collection of bones in the foot. Proper placement of the foot (aka foot bow) and tibia angle results in a suction like action which helps to stabilize the attachment point and help direct the incoming force into the ground.


Some object to TST's demos as being simple physics tricks (which it is), and useless, which it is not (because of Newton's 3rd Law, the force his body can generate is equal to that of the pusher, hence he is capable of delivering a very powerful horizontal force) and hence infer that he is a charlatan. I don't agree with that assessment. It is not easy to control your body to that extent.

Insight #1: if you create tension (a very misleading word) in the physics sense in the vertical direction by imagining a straightening of the spine (the spine really cannot be straightened too much, but you can have the intent to try straightening it), you can withstand a horizontal push (think TST's demos). The tension is created by keeping the head suspended (蹬頭dung tau), flexing the spine in the right direction (挺腰ting yiu), and dropping weight into the knees (落馬lok ma). By minimizing non-essential muscular tension (there's that word again), the tension (in the physics sense) can be distributed more evenly along the spine/skeleton as opposed to concentrating in a few places (blocking the qi) where it can be easily overwhelmed by the external force. It is a very good thing that the spine is S shaped, because if it were straight, the vertebrae will be stacked directly on top of each other and it is much harder to get the horizontal forces canceled between the links. As it is, at each joint, because of the difference in alignment, the horizontal force gets resolved into longitudinal and transverse components. The combination of all the joints tend to counterbalance the incoming horizontal force (up to a limit). There's a whole lot of complicated things going on along the spine, and all of the joints together works like a bow.

Insight #2: the skeleton coupled with relaxed muscle usage creates a frame. Force can be issued and received with minimal movement in the joints (minimal flexing of the frame). This is known as whole body force(整勁), which is a more efficient use of the body's resources than localized muscles.

This is a first approximation to what I think is happening. I have left out a lot of elements (e.g. the use of the dantian) which may contribute to how things are really done, but it helps to have a mental picture which, while not complete, may offer a rough sketch as to what is going on. I have been thinking along the lines of this theory for a few years now and I haven't seen anything which contradicts or pokes holes in it yet. If anyone can think of reasons why it is wrong or where it should be amended please let me know. It is similar to Mike Sigman's basketball post model but whereas his example is rigid where all the internal dynamics are hidden, mine is more explicit and perhaps, easier to understand.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014









博士憑其金字塔層壓式推銷,在歐州確有號稱 十數萬的信徒。但在美加和其他有競爭性的城市,不見得有其市場。

張卓慶號稱為世界第二大詠春團體領導人,當年與黃淳樑,李小龍號稱詠春三虎,五十年代四出與人講手,七十年代開始在澳州用Traditional Wing Chun品牌教授詠春,八十年代初登陸美國,鋒頭一時無兩。但自經Emin Boeztepe一役,優勢好像一去不復返,最近又因搞詠春歸宗少林立碑嵩山一事,帶出很大風波。一生功過,尚代蓋棺定論。





值得發人深省的是葉問當年已是五、六十歲,身材廋小(據說比現今的葉準師傅還 廋小),肯定不是練外家拳的肌肉形,也不是 練南螳螂的鋼條形。他究竟憑什麼能夠技服當年三十來歲、身材高大、精通龍形、蔡李佛的梁相?是用不能被人扯落的膀手嗎?是 用機關鎗式連環拳還是以攤打破掃捶?這些手法是一個廋弱老頭能有效地用以制服年輕力壯的對手的嗎?如果這些手法在一個廋弱老人或女性身上不能發揮作用,那麽詠春這種女人拳究竟有何奧妙能夠在世界武林佔一席位?









Thursday, May 8, 2014



駱耀-》盧志禮 Lok Yiu -> Lo Chi Lai

梁相-》吳華森 Leung Sheung -> Ng Wah Sum

梁相-》吳華森-》林展霆 Leung Sheung -> Ng Wah Sum -> Wilfred Lam

梁相-》黃子華-》李家華 Leung Sheung -> Wong Chi Wah -> Lee Ka Wah

梁相-》陳春保 Leung Sheung -> Chan Chun Po

梁相-》鍾萬年 Leung Sheung -> Kenneth Chung